Access Tokens
Access Tokens are mechanisms to create a security token to access specific TDS REST services. For example, you could have an external service or process that needs to:
- kick off an SA template
- get a report
- or any other TDS API request
The Access token tool provides the ability to generate a token and then pass the token as a parameter when the service is called without the need for additional authentication. Authentication is provided by the token.

To add a new access token:
- Click + Add New to expand the new Access Token form.
- Fill in the Description, Behavior and Expiration Date.
Behavior Options include:- Token expires on specified data - this is the default setting and will auto set the token to expire in 24 hours
- Delete on first use (one time use only) - token can only be used once and will expire itself immediately after use
- Token never expires (valid until manually deleted - token must be manually deleted to expire
Tip: Deleting a token also expires it.
- Select the privileges in the Available Privileges table that you wish the token to provide authorization for. Available privileges are based on your user role.
- Click Save. Once saved the token will display under the list of privileges.
- To use the token, suffix your endpoint URL with the token provided.

To update an existing access token:
- Locate the row for the token you wish to edit and click Edit (pencil icon).
- Make desired changes to the form.
- Click Save.

To delete an existing access token:
- Locate the row for the token you wish to delete and click Delete.
- Click Delete in the confirmation popup.